Thursday, August 6, 2009

Psst..... Store Inspection Tomorrow

"Psst.... Store inspection tomorrow." That was a status response from my friend and co-worker Heather on Myspace from last night. I didn't give it much thought, since I really haven't had to deal with inspections working in the middle of the night. This time, however, would be a different case.

When I got to work, I was greeted with a sizable stack of boxes, cases and totes left untouched from the morning shipment from our grocery vender. Mind you, I helped receive that shipment some 15 hours earlier. A good deal of the order was taken care of, but there was still a lot left. I guess day shift got busy and couldn't finish, and I wouldn't expect swing shift to have time to do anything. Ok, no big deal. I go into the office to clock in, and there is a new note from the boss to 3rd shift.

Our boss, for that matter our store, likes to leave notes to us on a semi-regular basis giving us tasks to do. This note was basically a carbon copy of the checklists we already work by, but it had a few extras as well. Most notably, finishing the grocery order, scrubbing all the cabinetry inside and out, and that our boss' boss' boss would be inspecting the store in the morning. It said that if the store wasn't perfect, then we would receive disciplinary action. Kinda annoying to be honest. I feel like if I just do my job, and do it right, I shouldn't have anything to worry about. It is rather irritating to have people down your back, worrying about things to the point of making you nervous to. I don't care about the inspection because I know that if we just work like we should we will be just fine. At any rate, we had what had become a rather long list of tasks to accomplish during the night.

Erick, my partner in crime for the better part of the last three months showed up, and we started to rock and roll. By the time he showed up for his shift, I already had a large chunk of my tasks either done or started. About 1 am, a man showed came into the store and headed toward the bathroom. I said hello and turned my head down. I then realized that it was my boss, in street clothes and he was headed straight for my register. Of course. At the time he choose to count down mine, I hadn't dropped any money in a while. Opps. I got a write-up for having way too much money in my drawer, mostly due to the 70 bucks in ones I didn't realize I had.

So we spent the majority of the night working our tails off with the boss there too. Every so often our paths would cross and something would be added to the list of things to do, making for a long night. Our night got even longer when three customers decided that they wanted to smell our selection of fragrances and put a scent cloud in the store. Erick and I both have allergies. The smell burned my eyes a little, but I had taken Clariton before work so I was okay. Erick, other the other hand, was a mess. Blood shot red eyes, trouble breathing, dizziness. He ended up being out of it for about 2 and half hours. That back logged the whole night, and put a rush on us getting our tasks done in time. We pulled it together and by the time I left, I felt like the store was in awesome shape. I think the inspection will go just fine, at least on our end.

Wow, what a night. They aren't usually that busy. We got a lot done, and did a good job at what we did, distractions and all. I felt good about what we had accomplished. Life is Good.

Puked, Locked Out, Rebooted, and Rained On.

Yesterday I went to run a couple quick errands. Nothing big. Get a flashlight for my Mom at Office Depot, and pick up some medicine at Walmart. Earlier in the day I ate some egg rolls. By some, I mean like six. Six big egg rolls, that really filled my belly. Stuffed, I went into Office Depot and started to look around at all the stuff I can't afford... then WHAM! Too much in my belly, some of it had to get out. Ran to the bathroom, took care of some business. Feeling woozy, I got Mom's flashlight and went to Walmart.

Still feeling woozy and getting tired on top of that, I got out of my truck, closed the door and started to walk away. I heard my engine running, turned, grabbed the door handle and... FUCK! I locked my keys in the truck, with the engine running! This isn't the first time I have done this. Way back in 2003 I did the same thing when I was working at Albertson's. I had to get a co-worker to take me home to get a spare key. This time, however, I was lucky enough to get the Walmart security guard to use a jimmy stick to pop open my door. I didn't think he could since it is a power lock, but I guess I am stupid in that regard. Thanks security dude!

Once that was done, I spent what felt like an eternity in line at the pharmacy for my medicine, and once I got my turn, the lady that was taking my info had to restart her computer because the program for her POS (Point of Sale) froze. I finally got my medicine and walked out of the store, into a rain storm.

Even though I had a crappy day, I am still happy to have had it. Now I know that I cannot eat six gigantic egg rolls, and I bet I will remember to take my keys out of the truck with me when I get out. Life is Good.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Feeling the Strain

I am starting to feel the crunch of not being in the military, at least from a finacial standpoint. I don't have many bills, but what I have are whoppers. I pay 532.oo a month for my truck. 130.oo a month for my insurance. 100.00 to my parents. 112.00 to Uhaul for a storage unit. I also have been paying my girlfriend's car insurance, another 150.00. Add to that gas, some food, and oh my word, something to do here and there, and poof! No money. I really miss the 2500.00 every two weeks from the Air Force. Now, I earn a 1000.00 for the month! I have got to get a better paying job, and my girlfriend has got to find work as well. I understand it is hard, so I can' be too hard on her, and I know she is trying. Still, I am afraid that I will have to ask her to seek help from her parents with her insurance, and I will have to get help from my parents for the Uhaul payment. I feel so lucky that we both have a support system in our parents that is there to help us.

To help ease the strain, I am working on a number of small projects that when put together, should help some. First and foremost I am looking for better paying work. First on that list is asking for a raise at my current employer, which is possible considering that a better paying position is coming available. Then, I am seeking a better job in general.... at this point, if digging ditches pays more I will do it. Beyond that, I am going to apply for any assistance that I may qualify for. Most likely this will come in the form of food stamps, but that is still a long shot. I know I have money coming to me from a service connected disability claim through the VA, but I have yet to get that ball rolling. I am pushing the ball now. I am also kinda computer smart, so I will venture into the world of online sales in some form. I will set up a store, where I can sell t-shirts, or stickers, or something. I have a lot of old things in storage that my get a few bucks on eBay, and I may be able to do some freelance photography. I may even spend a day or two a week picking up cans for recycling. Anything at this point to make a buck.

Times are tough, and getting a little tougher, but I am confident that I can shape things up and pull through. I know this because I have the love and support of my family and friends. Now, off to make some money.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Installed Kodak ESP 3 today

I installed a new printer on my Macbook today. It is a Kodak ESP 3 All-in-One. Seems like a nice, get the job done printer. I will be scanning old family photos and printing new digital prints with it in the coming weeks. Maybe a review is in order.

This new installation is courtesy of my Mom. She desperately needed a new printer to replace the craptastic one she is currently using. It is an HP (the model name eludes me) and is a piece of junk. So we got the Kodak. I already had my own HP printer that works great. Mom decided that she wanted mine, so I will be installing that one on her PC in the next day or so. As a result, I get the Kodak. Works for me so long as the printer does its job.

I don't do a ton of printing these days. Anything too fancy I take to the photo lab or print store. Mostly, I print webpages, resumes, emails, and ToS agreements. My family photos project should run the gambit of the capabilities of this new printer, and I look forward to shorting through the options on both the hardware and software.