Monday, February 25, 2008

Finally! My New BoA Card has Arrived!

Bank of America took their sweet time in sending my new debit card. It was set to expire by the end of the month, and had a big crack in it. I checked the mail box everyday for about two weeks. It came just in time for the next round of bills, thank you.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Slowly but Surely

It is taking me awhile, and am close to burning out (its 3 a.m.), but the framework for is just about done. Eventually, I will have not only my Picasa Gallery, I will also have very active links to this blog, my Lockergnome blog, Myspace, and The Speedzine. I really hope this all works. The 2008 racing season is here - the North Dakota season starts in early April. With the time I am taking to get prepared this year, I feel very confident that this season will be my best. More to come.

Saturday, February 9, 2008